Membership Fees

Membership Expiry Dates

Annual memberships expire at the end of the year on 31st of December.
Semester 1 memberships expire on 30th of June.
Semester 2 memberships expire at the end of the year on 31st of December.

How to Join or Renew Membership

RMIT Student Life (formerly Link) has recently upgraded their website and some functionalities might not work as intended. If you encounter problems/bugs, please let us know at We will try our best to assist and fix the problem asap. If you want to update your email, check this FAQ entry.

Joining or Renewing

  • Go to Outdoors Club page on RMIT Student Life and click “Join or Renew”
    • RMIT Student Life coordinates all the RMIT Clubs & Societies. You will need to use this website to set up an account and pay your membership

Signing In

If you haven’t signed in already, you’ll be prompted to do so.

  • RMIT Student, Staff and Alumni
    • If you have a current student, staff or alumni account with RMIT (your email/account is active using single sign on), then use the first choice as shown below
    • You will be taken to RMIT’s Single Sign-On page
  • Community Members
    • If you have an existing account, choose the second option to Sign in using a community account (as shown above)
      • If you don’t remember your email, it’s the one you have used in the past to sign up
    • If you DO have an account, first ensure that your details are correct in RMIT Student Life Account
      • Go here to update your details:
      • Ensure that your email is correct and that you can receive and access messages sent to that address.
        • If you are not a student any more, you must update this before purchasing membership
        • Check our FAQ on updating your email
      • IF and ONLY IF you are an RMIT Student, then your User Type should be ‘Student‘. Otherwise, it should be ‘Other‘ or as appropriate
      • DO NOT put your UserType as ‘Student’ if you are a student of other university
      • Your student membership purchase will be cancelled and refunded if you are not an RMIT Student

Registering a New Account

You only need to register an account if you are a community member. If you are an RMIT student, staff or alumni, you MUST use your RMIT Account.

  • If you do not have a community account, click on “Register” on top of the page. This can be done from any page other than sign-in page
  • For instance, go to
  • Follow the prompts thereon

Resetting your password

If you have forgotten your password to sign into RMIT Student Life website, then you may have to first reset your password before you can sign-in. Note that this is only relevant for Community account holders. If you are an RMIT student, then you must do that using RMIT’s password reset portal.

Continue Joining/Renewing

  • When you are asked to select a group, just click “General Club Members 2020” (or whichever is visible and applicable)
    • Click on ‘Select’ or ‘Continue’, in case you have previously tried to join
  • Then you will be asked to select Student Membership or General Membership
    • Select the relevant product for either a Semester or Full Year
  • Click “add to cart” and follow rest of the instructions on RMIT Student Life’s website to complete with the payment
  • After the payment, two things you will need to do: