Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question not on this page then email info[at]roc[dot]org[dot]au.

What kind of outdoors activities do the Outdoors Club run? 
How do I join the club? 
How do I find out about upcoming trips and activities? 
How do I subscribe to the club emailing list? 
I signed up for the mailing list but haven’t got any email, what do I do? 
Do I have to be a current RMIT student to join the club? 
Why do I have to be a member before going on a trip? 
Can I bring a friend along on a trip? 
How can I run my own trip? 
What happened to the Surfing and Windsurfing Club? 
How is transport arranged for trips? 
What costs are there for a trip? 
What should I take on a trip? 
What sort of food should I take on a trip? 
How do I join a trip? 
What if I don’t know how to do a particular club activity? 
What if I don’t have any of the relevant gear for a trip? 
What if I don’t know anyone on the trip? 
What is a Link ID? 
My email address has now changed. How do I update it with the club? 


What kind of outdoors activities do the Outdoors Club run? 
We offer a large range of Outdoors Activities.To list a few:

  • Bushwalking
  • Caving
  • Mountain biking
  • Mountaineering
  • Paddling
  • Surfing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Cross Country Skiing

You will find the full list of activities that we offer and more information here.

How do I join the club? 
Full details on how to join the Outdoors Club can be found on this page

How do I find out about upcoming trips and activities? 

  • The trip calendar on the club website has the latest and most update information about upcoming trips.
  • By subscribing to club mailing list, details for upcoming club trips are regularly emailed.
  • If you are particularly interested in a specific club activity and want to find out more details including upcoming trips you may contact the activity convenor
How do I subscribe to the club emailing list? 
Subscribe using the link on the Contact Us page.
I signed up for the mailing list but haven’t got any e-mail 
You may have provided an invalid email address, so try signing up again. If you have further problems, email us.

Do I have to be a current RMIT student to join the club? 
No. Many members in the club are in fact not current RMIT students. However, the joining fee for non RMIT students is slightly higher than current students.

Why do I have to be a member before going on a trip? 
It is a requirement by RMIT that all persons participating on a club trip are members, and therefore covered by insurance. However, non-members are always welcome to come along to club social events as it is a great opportunity to meet club members and find out more details about club activities.

Can I bring a friend along on a trip? 
Friends are always welcome to come along to any club social events. To come on trips they must join the RMIT Outdoors Club so they are covered by RMIT insurance.

How can I run my own trip? 
Members interested in running their own trip are strongly encouraged by the club. If you are interested, contact the convenor in charge of the activity and they will guide you in the process. Convenors can also connect you with an experienced trip-leader to come along and assist you.
What happened to the Surfing and Wind Surfing Club? 
Few years ago the surfing and wind surfing club was incorporated into the RMIT outdoors club. Unfortunately, the wind surfing club folded due to lack of interest. Surfing is still a very popular activity within the club and trips are regularly organised especially through summer.
How is transport arranged for trips? 
Transport is usually by private car. The trip organiser will identify members who are driving and allocate seats to non-drivers. Usually petrol costs will be included in the overall trip costs.
What costs are there for a trip? 
The costs for a general weekend trip includes travel expenses and gear hire from the club. Overall, costs are very low when compared with commercial trips.

Extra costs will be your personal needs such as food, alcohol etc.

What should I take on a trip? 
Prior to the trip, the trip leader will often send out an email listing of what you need – but do not hesitate to consult the trip leader well in advance if you have any questions.

Many club trips include camping; usually at a designated camping site. There is a variety of equipment for hire from the Gear Room, including tents and sleeping bags. Gear Room officers can also provide you with advice.

What sort of food should I take on a trip? 
You are generally free to take whatever foods you desire, and will be limited by the type of trip you are going on. A few tips to consider when deciding what food to take:

  • Consider space and storage
  • Non perishables are desirable
  • Water is usually essential
  • Consider cooking facilities as amenities are often basic, however, are dependent on the type of
How do I join a trip? 
To join a trip, simply sign up online via our trips calendar. Preferably do so as early as possible to guarantee a spot on the trip as numbers are sometimes limited.

  • Find the trip you want to sign up to
  • Click the “Request to join trip” link.
  • Enter you email address
  • Follow the instructions in the email you will receive shortly
What if I don’t know how to do a particular club activity? 
Don’t worry. The trip description will detail whether it is beginner friendly or if you need to be of a certain experience level. Club trips cater for people of varying abilities. It’s a great way to try something new and the club has experienced leaders to teach you.
What if I don’t have any of the relevant gear for a trip? 
The RMIT outdoors club possesses all the necessary gear required for an activity. Just contact the trip organiser, or activity convenor. The Gear Room officers will also be happy to provide assistance.
What if I don’t know anyone on the trip? 
Don’t let this stop you from experiencing the awesome outdoor activities the club has to offer! Its a great way to meet new people whether you are a student or not.
What is a Link ID? 
RMIT Link is the official RMIT site, that all our members must register on. You will not be able to participate in trips or hire gear until you are registered on this site.

Once you complete the registration on Link, you will be given a username, that is what we refer to as the ‘Link ID’ on this site.

My email address has now changed. How do I update it with the club? 
If your email address has changed, because either you are no longer a student or just because you want to use a different email (only applicable to community accounts), you have to follow the steps below in order to update it with the club.

If you were a student, but have now graduated, your student email is likely going to stop working soon.
In order to update your email, follow the steps below:

  • Create a community account with RMIT Link with your preferred non-RMIT student email
  • Send an email to to ask them to merge your student into your new community account
  • Then send us an email at asking to update your email
    • You must send this from your new email address

If you are a community member, then simply to to and update your email there. Once you have, send us an email at asking us to update your email (you must send this from your new email address).

Last Updated: May 28, 2024