General Description of the Role: Manage all finances for the club
- Ensuring upkeep of books
- Receipting cash on trips
- Assisting with preparation of budget
- Liaise with RMIT Student Life on financial matters
- Report on financial standing of the club at committee meetings
Budget Considerations
As you are the person that writes the thing, usually with help from another exec member, you should collect everything from the convenors and be on their back about getting submissions to you.
Invoice Requirements
All items purchased using RMIT Student Life grants must include a proper tax invoice.
The invoice must list company name and ABN (or equivalent for overseas companies). Printed Invoices can be submitted via email (scans are OK). For Hand-written invoices, original copy must be submitted to RMIT Student Life office.
Invoices paid directly by RMIT Student Life will take 30 days to be processed. Otherwise we can apply for reimbursement of funds into the club account, if invoice has already been paid in full by us.
Events: There are a few major events that need to be kept up to date throughout the year.
- Making sure all allocated money for equipment purchases from RMIT Student Life is spent.
- Making sure that big ticket trips and expenses like orientation day, intro night, intro trip and Easter trips don’t go over budget and if they do make sure the money is there to soak it up.
- Making sure that the mid year report is done.
- Making sure all allocated money for training from RMIT Student Life is spent.
- Keeping everything running smoothly and cutting people’s “grand plans” down to size when they ask for money by simply saying NO!
Make sure that 50% of all training that the club sends it members through is paid for by the member before the departure of the training trip.
Ensure there is enough money in the bank at the end of the year to cope with emergency repairs, hire, T-shirts for the following year etc.
Competitions: In the past the club has subsidised about three competitions each year (ranging from 10% – 50%), however, due to people catching onto this, there has been an influx of people wanting to claim this subsidisation. In 2002 and 2003 we referred people to RMIT Student Life for subsidies as it is RMIT Student Life that want the publicity.
Budgets for the following year are due after the AGM, so that you and the new treasurer can work on them together.
- Orientation Day – Make sure there is enough money in the kitty for an influx of big notes at orientation day. At the end of it all makes sure that all this money is then banked ASAP.
- Intro Night – Make sure that the plans for the intro night aren’t too extravagant and that we stay within budget, even if means you say right that’s it no more beer.
- Intro Trip – Make sure that the price for bother participants and leaders is adequate and that the trip doesn’t run at a major loss. I believe that it is up to the trip leader however.
- Easter Trip – Help out where possible, preferably by being the bitch tha