Committee Contacts
Below is a list of all the Committee Members and their contacts details. Executive committee can be reached via a single email contact.
For information on what is involved in each of the committee positions, click on the position titles:
Last Updated: March 3, 2025

- Providing leadership and direction for the committee and club as a whole, partly through the planning of club activities and events
- Organisation and chairing of committee meetings
- Providing a solid link of communication for the club
- Liaising with RMIT Student Life on club matters
- Assisting with budgeting and purchasing
- Leading and organising/delegating activities for and in the club
- Assist with decision making of the committee
- Ensure that all RMIT Student Life affiliation requirements are met.
- Deal with any issues/problems that may arise throughout the year.
Vice President
Vice President
General Description of the Role: Help out the president in ensuring that the club runs smoothly and all S+R requirements are met.
- Organisation and chairing of committee meetings if President is absent
- Providing a solid link of communication for the club
- Liaising with RMIT Student Life on club matters
- Assisting with budgeting and purchasing
- Assist with decision making of the committee
- Ensure that all RMIT Student Life affiliation requirements are met.
- Deal with any issues/problems that may arise throughout the year.

General Description of the Role: Manage all finances for the club
- Ensuring upkeep of books
- Receipting cash on trips
- Assisting with preparation of budget
- Liaise with RMIT Student Life on financial matters
- Report on financial standing of the club at committee meetings
Budget Considerations
As you are the person that writes the thing, usually with help from another exec member, you should collect everything from the convenors and be on their back about getting submissions to you.
Invoice Requirements
All items purchased using RMIT Student Life grants must include a proper tax invoice.
The invoice must list company name and ABN (or equivalent for overseas companies). Printed Invoices can be submitted via email (scans are OK). For Hand-written invoices, original copy must be submitted to RMIT Student Life office.
Invoices paid directly by RMIT Student Life will take 30 days to be processed. Otherwise we can apply for reimbursement of funds into the club account, if invoice has already been paid in full by us.
Events: There are a few major events that need to be kept up to date throughout the year.
- Making sure all allocated money for equipment purchases from RMIT Student Life is spent.
- Making sure that big ticket trips and expenses like orientation day, intro night, intro trip and Easter trips don’t go over budget and if they do make sure the money is there to soak it up.
- Making sure that the mid year report is done.
- Making sure all allocated money for training from RMIT Student Life is spent.
- Keeping everything running smoothly and cutting people’s “grand plans” down to size when they ask for money by simply saying NO!
Make sure that 50% of all training that the club sends it members through is paid for by the member before the departure of the training trip.
Ensure there is enough money in the bank at the end of the year to cope with emergency repairs, hire, T-shirts for the following year etc.
Competitions: In the past the club has subsidised about three competitions each year (ranging from 10% – 50%), however, due to people catching onto this, there has been an influx of people wanting to claim this subsidisation. In 2002 and 2003 we referred people to RMIT Student Life for subsidies as it is RMIT Student Life that want the publicity.
Budgets for the following year are due after the AGM, so that you and the new treasurer can work on them together.
- Orientation Day – Make sure there is enough money in the kitty for an influx of big notes at orientation day. At the end of it all makes sure that all this money is then banked ASAP.
- Intro Night – Make sure that the plans for the intro night aren’t too extravagant and that we stay within budget, even if means you say right that’s it no more beer.
- Intro Trip – Make sure that the price for bother participants and leaders is adequate and that the trip doesn’t run at a major loss. I believe that it is up to the trip leader however.
- Easter Trip – Help out where possible, preferably by being the bitch that collects money off everyone, don’t worry, I was once a money collecting bitch. I hate the job but hey.
General Description of the Role: Conduct committee meetings and take minutes of meeting
- Book meeting rooms (see events)
- Send out meeting reminders
- Record keeping of committee meetings – writes and distributes minutes
- Ensure action points were carried out
- Take part in executive decision making processes
- Assist with promotional and membership matters
Gear Officers
Gear Officers
General Description of the Role: Maintain and lend club gear
- Responsible for the management of almost all club gear and the gear room itself. Yes, that means you should at least try to keep some semblance of cleanliness and order about the gear room.
- Attend all committee meetings
- Answer inquiries about the club and our operations for prospective and new members.
- Ensure normal operation/opening hours of city gear room. This can include organising other people to help you out.
- Hire gear according to the club policy:
- Monitor gear to ensure good condition
- Determine necessary purchases to be made – convenors should be responsible for the activity specific gear (racks, ropes, MTB), you have responsibility for general gear (tents, sleeping bags, etc).
- Look after the keys. You are the primary contact for gear room access. ONLY gear officers, executive committee, and other members specifically named on the key list should have access to the keys.
- Deposit money from the safe when it gets over $500.
- Don’t EVER leave the laminator, computer or lights on. At least one of these is a fire hazard and we seriously don’t want to be responsible for burning down RMIT.
- Don’t EVER forget to check that the gear room doors, locking cabinet and safe are locked. Check twice. No really, go check again.
Go to heaps of parties and on heaps of trips; you are the face of the club! Read ‘People Skills from Robert Bolton’, ‘How to Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie’, 40+ push ups, 100+ sit-ups every day. Drink more beer than anyone else. Learn German and all about the Great Ocean Road.
Promotions and Sponsorships Officer
Promotions and Sponsorships Officer
General Description of the Role: Confirm once a year that the deals advertised on the website are still valid (good idea to talk to management, not just random employees).
Try and obtain new discounts for the club (ask other members to suggest companies/ shops they would want a discount from)
Handy hints: Confirm all the details of the deal offered (e.g. check whether gear hire is included in the entry price at climbing gyms).
Also, shops/ gyms assume that anyone at ROC is a student and that it’s therefore enough to show a student card. Some people have been refused discounts because they didn’t have a student card, even though they had a ROC card. Make sure you confirm with the manager that they should accept a ROC card, not just an RMIT student card.
Suppliers, Discounts and other Relevant Contacts
Please visit our Discount and Sponsors page:
Website Maintenance
Website Maintenance
General description of the Role: Look after the website and general issues
- Encourage committee to use forums for extended discussions
- Encourage committee to update wiki every now and then.
- Encourage everyone to upload photos to the gallery from time to time
- Manage user permissions
- Update static webpages as necessary
- Look at any other ways to improve the site, backend stuff will no doubt end up back at me, but I am happy to implement suggestions that are reasonable when I can.
- Deal with the nufties that can’t tell their ass from their head! (i.e. PEBKAC)
General Description of the Role: Keep walking
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of club bushwalking trips (overnight hikes and day trips)
- Ensure that trips are run, that they are run safely and that there is sufficient equipment.
General Description of the Role: Just stay underground 😛
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of club caving trips
- Organisation and promotion of caving courses/training
- Organisation and promotion of speleology and education on conservation of caves
Snow Sports
Snow Sports
General Description of the Role: Responsible for overseeing aspects of the club relating to different types/styles snow sports.
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of snow related trips
- Organisation and promotion of snow related courses/training
General Description of the Role: Three convenors to look after the wide variety of paddling disciplines that ROC runs, including coordinating purchasing equipment, leader training (both through internal and external courses), and supporting trip leaders to ensure trips are run regularly.
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organise paddling budget, purchase equipment, and organise for gear repairs as needed to ensure sufficient paddling gear is available in safe working condition
- Ensure paddling template risk assessments and trip intention forms are revised and updated as necessary
- Support trip leaders running paddling trips as necessary
- Organise and promote paddling courses, both through running internal training courses, and supporting leaders to attend external training courses and get subsidy from ROC for it
- Update little book of paddling and training modules as necessary
- Ensure paddling leader training records are kept current
- Liaise with other uni outdoor club representatives for running major joint trips (Mitchell Inter-uni trip, FoTM, Thomson release etc)
- Have a club representative attend the CPV committee meetings
- Collaborate with sponsorship officer to get sponsorships/discounts for paddling gear for ROC members
- Plan, promote, organise and run paddling trips
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking
General Description of the Role: As convenor you are the main contact for Mountain Biking.
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of club MTB trips
- Organisation/Delegation of Maintenance of club bikes
- Organisation and promotion of MTB races (optional)
- Submit annual budget for Mountain Bike equipment
- Purchase of parts/equipment from budget
General Description of the Role: Organiser of the ROC Mountaineering Program (encompasses training in mountaineering skills and the running of at least one trip per year)
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
The convenor should display a high level of competency and experience. The convenor should have the following qualities:
- Alpine climbing experience (ideally in the New Zealand Alps)
- Be a confident lead rock climber
- An excellent working knowledge of setting rock and ice anchors
- First aid training or experience
- Run introductory to advanced level trips
Ideally, the convenor would also have:
- Rock or Alpine guiding qualifications. For rock climbing training, see Arapiles Guides and further information in the Rock climbing Convenor PTS. *Alpine Guiding training can be undertaken with the New Zealand Mountain Guides Association (NZMGA). See
- Wilderness first aid training.
- Avalanche training (Stage 1). For more information see Courses are facilitated by Otago Polytechnic, and run by NZMGA guides. Basic avalanche courses run by the New Zealand Alpine Club or Canterbury Mountaineering Club (when available) would be beneficial as an introduction.
- A high level of physical fitness
Budget Considerations
The major budget considerations will be the purchase and maintenance of ROC equipment.
Major expenses will be on new equipment. An evaluation of equipment required should be made prior to the annual budget submission. Due to the limited size of trips, the Mountaineering Convenor should aim to have enough equipment for no more than six participants. A budget estimate would be $1000.00.
An allowance should be made for the ongoing maintenance of existing equipment. An evaluation of the condition of the equipment should be made prior to the annual budget submission.
Presentation Night – An Introduction to Mountaineering
This evening is used to introduce the ROC Mountaineering Program to interested participants. The night should be advertised on the club website and be open to all members regardless of their level of interest in mountaineering. This event is normally held at a free venue at RMIT. Approximately $10 should be charged to cover the cost of drinks and food. The agenda for the evening usually encompasses a discussion on what mountaineering is, a ‘show-and-tell’ of equipment and a slide show.
Introductory Mountaineering Trip
The aim of this trip is to teach mountaineering techniques to beginner climbers and to also build trust and teamwork. The trip should be open to all club members and not exclusively to those wanting to participate in the New Zealand trip. It is expected that everyone interested in participating in the New Zealand trip attends this training weekend. This trip is normally run in winter, dependent on snow conditions. Past venues have been Mt Feathertop and Mt Hotham. Costs for the trip are funded by the individual (estimate $100 per person including petrol, food and gear hire)
New Zealand Introductory Mountaineering Trip
The whole ROC Mountaineering Program is run with the general aim to achieve this trip each year. The New Zealand trip is one of the largest, most complex, most expensive and most hazardous ROC trips run each year. For more detailed information on the running and organisation of this trip, see the documents outlining the New Zealand trip and ROC Mountaineering Program. Costs for the trip are funded by the individual (estimate $2500)
Other Mountaineering Trips
Other mountaineering trips to be completed on an ad-hoc basis for experienced climbers. Past ROC members have extended their climbing acticities to Europe, North America and South America.
Most participants in the ROC Mountaineering Program will undertake their own personal training throughout the year via means of rock climbing, skiing etceteras. The convenor should be aware of the level of fitness and technical ability of all participants.
Training programs as listed above should be conducted throughout the year. It is also highly advantageous for the convenor to run at least one training session in an evening. This can cover technical skills including knots, rescue systems, glacier travel, and general equipment usage.
(Suppliers, Discounts and other Relevant Contacts) Alpine Recreation This is the guiding firm which has been used previously to instruct new climbers on the New Zealand Introductory Trip. Contact Anne via For more details on the organisation of the New Zealand trip see the appropriate documents.
Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing
General Description of the Role: Encourage people to run climbing trips and also organise training
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organising the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of club climbing trips
- Organisation and promotion of climbing courses
- Organisation of climbing discounts
- Maintaining a record of club members’ climbing abilities particularly in regards to the hire of climbing racks (for assessed lead climbers ONLY *Find current list attached*)
- Maintain and keep track of gear inventory / condition of climbing ropes.
Budget Considerations
Keep in mind that climbing gear (in particular climbing ropes) has to be replaced after a certain time. This mainly depends on usage and maintenance. Make sure you put in a generous budget proposal in order to have money you can work with. Rack maintenance has cost roughly $600 per year. Don’t forget to include climbing training on the budget! It is important to run anchors and lead courses every year.
It is important to ensure sufficient leader to beginner ratios on all trips. For lead only trips maximum ratio of 1:2 is good. For top-roping 1:4 works well, although this can be stretched a little if you have experienced seconders etc, who can help supervise beginners belaying techniques etc. Always plan the number of part around the number of available leaders for a trip and don’t hesitate to cut back numbers if you are short on leaders! Safety is the number 1 priority on climbing trips. New Members Welcome – Intro Trip A long weekend would be ideal, but the main idea is to capture the enthusiasm of new members and get them “hooked” in the nicest possible way. Generally held at summer day valley in the Northern Grampians on the Labour Day long weekend. Easter Mt. Arapiles pilgrimage This is usually the biggest climbing trip throughout the year and runs over the Easter holiday break for 4 days. The main skill here is to arrange enough transport but not too many cars (to keep petrol costs down) and find enough leaders to take the beginners on exciting multi-pitch climbs. Aim to get every beginner on at least one multi-pitch climb!
Leaders who provide their own gear and take beginners with them should be worshipped and spoilt by covering their camping costs or similar. Leaders who use club gear should not pay any gear hire (this is up to the trip leader for an individual trip to decide upon, with the intention that there is free (or half-price) gear hire where a trip needs extra leaders)! Additional helmets can be hired from cliffhanger or Hugh at Arapiles Climbing guides. It is essential that every member has and wears a helmet.
One day events
These are rather easy and fun to organise and occur very frequently (at least twice a month) to various locations close to Melbourne. Most popular locations would be: Werribee Gorge, Camel’s Hump, the You Yangs, Cathedral Ranges and Mt Alexander. Although these classics provide good climbing for the novice and intermediate climber, new locations should be checked out and visited if suitable for the club. Number of participants range from between 5 – 15, which makes it easy to handle. Please feel free to limit the numbers to your personal liking, so you have a group of people you can comfortably handle; respectively have enough other leaders with you that can help you setting up climbs and instruct beginners.
Gear Hire, Guidelines and Rack Details
Climbing Racks will only be hired out to members who have completed a suitable course (top rope anchors, or lead course). If a member chooses to hire out a rack they assume all responsibility for its well being. If any gear is lost or misplaced the climbing conveners should be notified immediately.
Lead Rack Gear List and Guidelines
As part of checking the rack when it’s borrowed, the items which are on the rack should be entered into the inventory system via the following link. The system is designed to more easily track equipment on racks, and ensure anything missing is replaced as soon as possible.
Username: inventory
Any feedback or problems on the system should be directed to Victor Macko ( / 0430 122 302).
Leaders List
New leaders and checked-off leaders are not automatically also checked off for top-rope anchors – the list should be referred to to determine who can setup & check-off top-rope anchors. This arises from some people coming into the club with only leading experience, rather than going through the usual top-rope anchors course first.
More detailed and up-to-date list is here:
Username: inventory
Goto the Trips -> Leaders page in the menu. This includes how many trips a person has organised, and how long it’s been since their last trip (to help find someone to organise trips!)
Anchors & Leaders courses help to keep the skill level within the club at high/safe levels. Courses used to only get booked through Hugh Widdowson from the Arapiles Climbing Guides (1800 357035 / / 5387 1284 / 0428 504 460). Tim, Billy and Derek, Andrey, Michael & Victor can also run anchors courses at a low cost.
It’s also important to keep track of the skill levels of individual club members, as not all participants of anchors courses have proved themselves confident to setup a safe anchor. Some people need more practice and guidance than others! Please bear this in mind. Generally, “new” anchor people or leaders should be ticked off at least on 3 different occasions by an experienced ROC climber before he/she can hire out gear / run trips / take beginners with them.
There is a list of people who did anchor / leaders courses and who have been approved of being competent in what they are doing. This list can be found above in the ‘Leaders list’ section. If uncertain of the skill of a particular person, always double-check.
Advanced courses have also previously been done by some club members with the ACIA. SPG/MPG (Single/Multi-pitch Guide) courses have been subsidised by the club. Members who have done these courses are more capable of running internal anchors courses.
Rock Climbing Top Rope Anchors and Lead Courses
Attention Rock Climbing convenors and people who take up organising of the courses.
- Top Rope Anchors courses are normally organised in-house by the most experienced club’s leaders. Refer to the list of club leaders (linked above)
- Instructor to Student rations to be kept under 1:4
- Instruction for Lead courses is normally arranged with Arapiles Climbing Guides and are preferably taught personally by Hugh:
Hugh Widdowson Arapiles Climbing Guides PO Box 142 Natimuk 3409, Ph: (03)5384 0376 / 0428 504 460
- The course fees and shared transport expenses must be pre-paid by participants for all externally run courses. Refund policy for the course fees should follow the rules of the guiding company, shared transport expenses should generally be non-refundable so the participants do not incur extra transport expenses unexpectedly if someone pulls out.
- It is highly advisable that shared transport expenses are pre-paid and generally not refundable for the courses that are being organised internally
- The club will sponsor 50% of the course cost for existing club members who have been on at least two outdoor climbing club trips, organised at least one trip, and intend to organise at least one trip in the future, as well as generally assisting where possible. Members should also be checked off for top-rope anchors prior to doing a lead course.
- Useful information can be found in Top_Rope_Anchors_Course_Reference.pdf
Discussion From March 2011 Meeting
ANCHORS COURSE: Pre-requisites:
Must have been on a few outdoor climbing trips before signing up for anchors. (04/2012 update from AS) Must have lead seconding experience.
LEAD COURSE: Pre-requisites:
- Checked off on top-rope anchors. (added by VM Aug 2013)
- Anchors course and at least 2 trips setting up anchors before doing a lead course.
Lead climbers can climb with other non-checked-off leaders on easy, single pitch climbs. To climb harder or multi-pitches they need to climb with a checked-off club leader. Who can check of leaders – Tim, Bob, Derek, Billy, Pete, Damien, Andrey, Rich, Michael Salt, Victor Macko, Simon Goldman, Kris Grisling. See file below for what is expected when checking-off a leader.
Checking off lead climbers – pre-requisite: at least 3 trips, 2 good leads with different club leaders, assessed relative to the following guide: Checking off a leader V1.0.pdf
Expectations of checked off leaders – Courses won’t be subsidised by club unless they commit to helping out on trips.
A few you-tube clips for people to have a look over are;
- General –
- General –
- Cracks – Finger – - Cracks – Hand – - Cracks – Fist – - Cracks – Offwidth – - Cracks – Taping – - Top-rope tough guys –
- Cracks – Gear & Gear Placement –
(Suppliers, Discounts and other Relevant Contacts)
For club climbing gear purchases Rob Prior at Bogong will NOT provide a good deal.
Here are my suggestions for purchasing gear as they all provide good discounts with your club membership card:
Black Diamond Cams: Mountain Designs
Slings, quickdraws, and Nuts, especially DMM
Everything else, especially ropes: Phil at Arapiles Mountain shop in Natimuk
(Added by Michael Salt 2013)
Member Discounts Our members get the following discounts (on presentation of their club card) for purchases of personal gear. Bogong 10% MD’s 20% Arapiles Mountain Shop 10% Cliffhanger 15% off gear, cheaper entry to the gym!
Other Remarks
- SWMS Rock Climbing Template
- (a) Club members that have never belayed before should be taken through a comprehensive instruction of belay techniques to ensure competency. It is strongly encouraged that a first time belayer should have a back up belay whilst learning the technique until the leader is confident in their abilities to be a sole belayer.
- (b) Lead belaying should be checked off by a climbing trip convenor.
- (a) All members must wear helmets when rock climbing (including belaying)
- (b) Ropes should be audited minimum once per year for maintenance issues as well as ongoing checks by the climber before use.
Racks should be audited minimum once per year for maintenance issues as well as ongoing checks by the climber before use.
Climbing gear should be taken stock of and up to date inventory should be kept.
Orienteering and Rogaining
Orienteering and Rogaining
Just don’t get lost and don’t lose anyone in the woods.
Convenor Responsibilities
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Coordinate rogaining trips in conjunction with VRA events
- Complete necessary plans and inventories required throughout the year (activity intention plan before budget night, annual gear inventory at the start of the year).
- Assist with deciding on items needed for your activity’s budget
- Attend each semester’s intro night to present on your activity if possible (or delegating it if not available)
- Attend our monthly committee meeting (apologies required if not in attendance)
- If your activity is happening within our intro trip your assistance in organizing the activity or finding other leaders will be required.
Activity Specific:
- Organisation and promotion of club caving trips
- Organisation and promotion of surf related courses/training